Building Connected Communities through Creativity and Collaboration – invitation to a networking event this Thursday, 21 October.

The UK’s commitment to a warm welcome for those recently evacuated from Afghanistan has again highlighted the importance for communities to pledge support to people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. 

Surrey Arts and Big Leaf Foundation are delighted to invite us all to a Networking Event to explore this pledge through the following key questions:

  • What are the needs of people with lived experience of displacement and their host communities, and how can creativity be used as a tool to address these needs?
  • How can different organisations and practitioners work together to build stronger partnerships and thereby provide an effective and lasting welcome to people who are seeking refuge? 

This unique event will bring together the agencies, organisations and practitioners that support vulnerable refugee groups in an open and empathetic space to share practice, reflect and connect. Musicians, social workers, police officers, refugee community organisations, health workers, artists, children’s services, people with lived experience of resettlement and people who just want to know more – Surrey Arts and Big Leaf Foundation invite us all to join them. Please see the invitation below: