During the first lockdown Pied Piper received funding from the Arts Council to create an online play called ‘BEACH’. This has six episodes for babies/toddlers of five minutes each followed by a 30 minute play for slightly older children. This film is now available to watch on their website at: The Pied Piper Theatre Company – Beach – Whole Film
Pied Piper’s next tour for Infants is ‘Robin’s Winter Adventure‘ which is about change; moving house and school and expressing fears through poetry. Co-written by Pied Piper’s Tina Williams and poet Joseph Coelho it is touring from November 2021 to February 2022. There are a number of free resources on their website in support of the production.
Amongst other funders, Pied Piper was funded by Arts Partnership Surrey (APS). APS offers discrete grant funding pots of up to £1,000 for Surrey based artists to use as match funding for bids they make to Arts Council and others for projects that meet APS priorities. Please note that the APS funding is contingent upon the artist being awarded other funds.