The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre in Guildford has been working with Guildford Grove Primary School to address the gap in provision for deaf children to participate in quality drama activities. Over the past three months, key stage 2 pupils from the school’s Lighthouse Centre have taken part in a series of workshops and activities at the theatre. The Lighthouse provides specialised educational provision for deaf children and their families from across Surrey. Focussing on the theatre’s Christmas panto, Dick Whittington, the pupils have explored the world of backstage, created their own ‘slosh’ scenes, met the panto cast and creatives and practised directing each other in devised scenes.
The pupils were thrilled to take part in a workshop led by acclaimed SignSong performer, Fletch. Fletch explained her process of translating songs into British Sign Language and taught the children how to project feelings and lyrics for an audience through signing.
“Such a hands on, exciting project has given them the opportunity to explore new language and concepts with a real purpose. They have been engaged and enthralled by these workshops.” Alice South, Lighthouse Centre Teacher
The theatre provided funded tickets for all the Lighthouse pupils to attend one of the BSL interpreted panto performances. The project culminated in a ‘showing’ in the theatre’s Mill Studio for an audience of parents, teachers, school governors and staff from the Yvonne Arnaud. Through the project the pupils have worked to achieve Arts Award Explore.
“We received funding towards the project from the Arts Award Access Fund. This has helped us to launch the delivery of Arts Award at the theatre and enabled us to engage with young people who struggle to access to high quality arts programmes which support their specific needs.” Rhiannon Fisher, Head of Creative Learning at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.